About Me

Hello there, I just graduated from School, and, upon entering this awesome new stage of life (University ftw!) decided to start writing a blog. I'm not a very organised person, but I'll try to keep this thingy updated, Cheers :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Spent the time since last post in utter boredom, trying to get some homework done with limited success. At our school we have to go home every second weekend (its called a travel weekend), and this time I went to my friends place. We went on a hunting trip to sweden, where i caught a fever. It sucked. I have to give in a 1500 draft for this bigass essay due in a month or so, and have only written 600 words so far. Its depressing. Realised that nobody really reads random blogs so I might as well consider this a personal diary. Generally feeling like crap. Hooray...

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