About Me

Hello there, I just graduated from School, and, upon entering this awesome new stage of life (University ftw!) decided to start writing a blog. I'm not a very organised person, but I'll try to keep this thingy updated, Cheers :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bin ages

Soo, its been ages since ive posted in my blog... so a short summary of the events:

Weekend with Greg was WEEEEIRD! Went clubbing to retro, had to wait for 2.5 hours to get in, got in at 3, didnt score, due to a combination of my inefficiency, so to speak, and the lack of attractive girls. So yeah that mildly sucked :P next day his mom went on so many bitch rants that I left his house and went for a 2-3 hour long walk, up to the sea.

Arijana wanted to be friends with me. Greg asked me to come over to an empty classroom, and left me alone to talk with her. Tried to convince me tht we cud b friends. I vehemently disagreed, but yeah she is stubborn... So in the end she texted me, I was going to say no, but greg maintained that it would be much easier just to "keep up appearances" and say yes, then refuse. Which I did. after what like 1-2 weeks of superficial "philip sup" facebook/msn messages greg set up a poker game, where it was me, my bro, and she joined in. Seeing her with greg as usual started grinding my gears, in the end I decided to just go all in and leave before I said something extremely unpleasant. Hey, I thought it was a tactful way out. Apparently it didnt work, they came to my room and wouldnt leave. I tried to convince and coerce them over a large period of time, to no avail. In the end I threw my phone at the wall in an attempt to freak them out enough for them to leave. Arijana left, me and greg had a talk. He maintained that I should apologise. Which I did, albeit rather superficially. So yeah now Im in "ignore arijana" mode, which will most likely persist until the end of school. Hey, its not very nice, but I cant see an alternative.

Haha last bytur, I had 200kr for the trip, went a bit later then the others, walked to town alone, in the dark, bought a big bottle of bacardi and some cola zero. Mixed em up and drank most of it over 30 min while walking towards the club. Deposited the half full bottle behind a dumpster outside, and frequently took short trips outside for a sip. Danced quite a bit, ended up hooking up with a girl that used to go to herluf some years ago. Lol didnt realise the extent of her alcoholic embezzlement until she almost fell at one point. Things got quite interesting, but then Im afraid that we had to go out and in again into retro, this time requiring a 20 year old ID. Im 16, but had a 19 year old ID, the bitches didnt let me in. So nothing happened otherwise with the girl :/

Met these 2 russian guys at the entrance, explained them my dillema. They were semi drunk and very friendly, led me to another club, and payed for my entrance (LOL). Had some fun for abt 30 mins with them, smoked a ciggy (yes its a sin, and no it wasnt particularly nice, and no I wont be repeating anytime soon. Waterpipe ftw tho) . Anyways afterwards picked up a cab, got back to school on time.

Revision is going kinda shite, not doing nearly enough. Will be staying up to finish these two assignments I have overdue. Not in a very philosophical mood today, so sorry no deeply emotional introspection this time :P

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