About Me

Hello there, I just graduated from School, and, upon entering this awesome new stage of life (University ftw!) decided to start writing a blog. I'm not a very organised person, but I'll try to keep this thingy updated, Cheers :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Feel like a lot of the thoughts I have been having have been stupidity. Guess thats a good thing. Im essentially not really thinking about her any more, I mean a bit of course, but not overly concerned. Mostly just depressed for no particular reason at this point, sort of guess that the whole fuck up put things into motion. Hoping to get over it this weekend with the whole clubbing thing, should be fun :)

haha greg is going to be my "wing man", whatever the fuck that means... Should be interesting to see how things fold out, whatever happens I intend to have some good drinking, and fun. Not particular ambitious due to my current emotional detachment, should be a good alternative to my usual drunken desperation. I mean it kinda worked last party, so guess that being casually interested but not really caring is the way to go ;)
havent clubbed for ages, tired of this stupid school ball bullshit.... should be nice to wear some decent clothes for once and be at a party with nice music. Ironically going to Retro again, like almost the only club I been to in DK (except for crazy daisy). Quite nice place so dont mind. lol good Im going with greg could use a wee bit of practical advice :P

been quite the asshole to him the last week or two, realised that today and apologised to him, hope he is not too pissed at me... guess it must be hard to be friends with me, probs even harder then it was for me to b friends with him. well whatever, we talked about issues related to the whole thing, and I didnt really care very much. I kind of understand what happened and why now, but would rather not talk about it in depth. Whatever happened, even if im more or less over it, I dont think I will ever talk to her again. not because she flippantly changed her mind; I understand that now, but because she never cared enough to apologise, explain, or do the dignity to say it to my face. whatever her motives, I find that unacceptable. but lol Ive said that in like every blog post this week so I guess the message comes across :P
watched this cool tv soap called "skins", suprisingly good actually, with a sub plot which resembles an insanely exaggerated version of wut I was going through. Made me feel relieved that I came out of it all relatively unscathed; could have been worse :P and hey you know I learned a bit from it, and experience is always good. Guess that maturity is at last catching up with me :P happy that that is happening now at least, better late than never... anyways gonna go pack up my "party" clothes atm, watch some movie, and go to bed sleep since imma have my last exams tomorrow, which is important.

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