About Me

Hello there, I just graduated from School, and, upon entering this awesome new stage of life (University ftw!) decided to start writing a blog. I'm not a very organised person, but I'll try to keep this thingy updated, Cheers :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Aha! I found an english translation of the poem. Thought I might as well post it

I'm lonely and sad, and in moments of bitterest pain
Have no one to look to, alas...
Desires!.. What use to desire without end, without gain,
While all the best years swiftly, fleetingly pass!
To love... Whom?..
If briefly, 'tis not worth the effort...
Vain longing, since love cannot last.
Look into your heart: joy and torment - all paltry, and there
Remains not a trace of the past.The passions?..
Sweet ailment that reason will easily cure,
A cold word of logic arrest.
And life - what is life if you look round you coolly?-
A poor, An empty and trivial jest..

Hmm it is nothing compared to the Russian original but I guess it conveys the general message. In my opinion Lermontov is speaking more of a cynical dissapointment in life and feeling, while this translation sounds more like a sad heartbroken lamentation, so I dont think it quite conveys the same message, but whatever...

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