About Me

Hello there, I just graduated from School, and, upon entering this awesome new stage of life (University ftw!) decided to start writing a blog. I'm not a very organised person, but I'll try to keep this thingy updated, Cheers :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stoner sunday

spent most of today recovering from yesterday... lol :P

Yesterday I started drinking before dinner time, right up until bedtime. Dinner was rather dull so I guess that it was good initiative on my part :)

for the party I spent some time in my room, alone at first and then with greg, and we joyfully consumed the vodka bottle. I was rather suprised in the end I drank 3/4 of the bottle and wasnt really beyond tipsy; guess that Im developing alcohol immunity :D

The Humphrey Bogart costume was quite a success, except that because of the Stetson hat many ppl thought I was indiana jones... lol :P But well considering how much that suit cost (o.O) it better have looked good. When I was sufficiently under the influence of alcohol and boredome, I decided to go dance. Went fine, because for once I honestly didnt give a shit about anything but the music. Ironically apparently that was the formula for success :P ended up dancing with a girl for like 1 1/2 hours, I thought she was quite attractive, but then who knows, alcohol alters our perception of the world. greg said she was a 5/10. to be honest, I dont care :P anyway the funny part was that she got tired like 10 minutes before the end of the party, and so we went outside. You would have thought perfect scoring moment, right? she seemed quite interested, but then I realised I had forgotten my hat on the dancefloor... Expensive stetson hat I borrowed from home, damn :P so I went in there found the girl who had stolen it from me (lol), she was a 3g girl I knew by sight she promised to give it back. And when I come back outside this guy from 2ib Magnus is talking to her, and asks if I would mind if he took her for a dance. Im a bit at loss since he had been more or less trying to get with her the whole time I was dancing with her... I kind of assumed he was her "boyfriend" (or soon to be). So I just left it at that. REAAAALLLLY awkward moment there :P then when she comes back out she starts talking to me, and somehow we talk, and I realise I dont remember her name (or I just didnt here it on the dancefloor). And she asked, and I went like SHIIIT :P so yeah basically she was mildly pissed at me but we were both so drunk I dont think it mattered... then she talked with this Magnus guy for 20 minutes, so yeah that pretty much fucked up :P not that I minded the dancing part was fun. But yeah it was kind of funny in a fucked up way....

Today I procrastinated in my room, read a book, listened to How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, the 2004 U2 album (awesome!!!), and was pretty bored... :/ didnt get any signals of life from Greg so just assumed he was with her. Lol she sent me a random message yesterday, probably expecting me to pounce upon her offering of some form of social contact. Nope, not going there. She didnt even have the dignity to make her statement to me in person, or explain it in any way, and then she wants to pretend that nothing happened. Fuck that.

Watched the Frost/Nixon docudrama movie. That was amazing, loved the acting, the screenplay, the whole shebang. Read up on Sir David Frost afterwards and watched some excerpts from the real interviews, and Im amazed at the revival that was made, it was really captivating. A must see in my opinion.

Right now doing that fucking econ ia, going to finish it tonight. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the Oscar Awards while Im working; depends a lot on if Kofoed busts me or not, and if he comes up here checking, and how tired im feeling (got some sleep but goddamn I have an exhausted looking face)

looking forward to the next weekend, if all goes well with me and Greg (having some small tensions for obvious reasons) then we go CLUBBING! :P should be fun havent been around much in helsingør. Meh my brother is coming dont know how I feel about that of course he will want to death to come with us but I seriously dont feel up to the challenge of being responsible for him while im drunk, would ruin all the fun since he is 100% getting wasted out of his mind and then I have to drag him home... Makes me think about new years. Nope, no way am I letting him come.

Listening to the U2 album - Vertigo, Miracle drug, sometimes you cant make it on your own,

an awesome russian song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxhKLMatTDo&feature=channel_page

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